Leia: O ANO BÍBLICO com a bíblia NVI e a Meditação Matinal - Maranata, O Senhor Vem! - Ellen G.White


Lesson 4

Worthy is the Lamb

(Revelation 4 & 5)
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Introduction: Have you visited a beautiful home and noticed a partially open door? Did you want to peek inside? What pulled you to look? That is how our study of Revelation this week begins! What we will see inside is amazing! Let's dive into our study of the Bible and see what God has to teach us!

  1. An Entrance

    1. Read Revelation 4:1. Imagine you are the one standing before the open door. What reasons would you have to enter it? (Curiosity! I would not only want to see what is behind the open door, I would want to hear "what must take place after this." Of course, John was also invited to enter!)

      1. Who is speaking to John? (We learned in our study of Revelation 1 that the "loud voice like a trumpet" ( Revelation 1:10)is Jesus ( Revelation 1:12-13).)

      2. Where is the "up" ("come up here") that is behind the open door? (We will learn next this is the throne room of God.)

    2. Read Revelation 4:2-4. What do we see after we pass through the door and enter the throne room? (We see a central throne and twenty-four other thrones.)

      1. Who is seated on the center throne? (We are not told who is on the central throne, but it would logically be Jesus or God the Father because it is in the position of highest authority.)

        1. What circles this central throne? (A rainbow.)

          1. Why do you think the homosexual rights movement adopted the rainbow as its symbol?

      2. Who is seated on the twenty-four thrones? ("Elders.")

        1. Do we know who they are? (We are not told here. Recall that there were twelve apostles and twelve tribes in Israel. This may represent the leaders of God's people in the Old Testament and the apostles in the New Testament.)

    3. Read Revelation 4:5. I'm always interested in descriptions of God's throne that give us some practical insight. What does electricity (lightening), rumbling and thunder suggest about this throne? (It is a source of power. John describes how things are powered in the future.)

      1. What are the lamps? (We discussed this before. This appears to be a description of the Holy Spirit.)

    4. Read Revelation 4:6-8. There is something between the center throne and the twenty-four thrones. What are these? (Living creatures.)

      1. These living creatures are covered with eyes. What do you think that means? (This must be symbolic of knowledge.)

      2. Read Ezekiel 10:12-15. This is an excerpt from Ezekiel's vision. Who are these "creatures?" (They are angels - Cherubim. Calling them "creatures" means they could be anything. Unfortunately, I think "creature" gives us a negative impression. In fact, I believe these are special angels with characteristics that are reflected in their face. They constantly interact with God.)

    5. Read Revelation 4:9-10 and compare Revelation 4:8. My wife says that she would not want to be one of these "creatures" because it would be the most boring job in the world to constantly repeat "Holy, holy, holy" for all eternity. Is that what you think is being described? (I don't think that is how this should be understood. If it were, then the twenty-four elders would be constantly falling down and getting up. That makes no sense. Instead, I think the "never stop saying" means that they will always remain faithful to God. They will always have an attitude of praise to God. When they actually give praise, the Elders join with them by kneeling before God. I suspect these creatures have the best jobs in the universe!)

    6. Read Revelation 4:11. What is the basis for giving God praise? (He is our Creator.)

      1. What does this say about the theory of evolution? (It is a central attack on the very reason why glory is given to God in heaven. Does that give us greater insight into the homosexual lobby adopting the rainbow as its symbol?)

      2. Does this reveal who is on this central throne? (Read John 1:1-3. The "Word" if you continue reading this chapter, is a reference to Jesus. Thus, John says here that "all things were made" by Jesus. But, the understanding that Jesus is sitting on this throne runs into problems when we get to the next chapter.)

  2. The Scroll

    1. Read Revelation 5:1. Do they practice environmental conservation in heaven? (Notice that the scroll has writing on both sides.)

      1. I'm generally joking about "conservation" in heaven, but why do you think John records this detail? (This is further proof of the accuracy of his vision. He notices small details.)

      2. Why are there "seven seals?" (Seven is a perfect number, thus this is perfectly sealed.)

    2. Read Revelation 5:2-5. Who can open the scroll? (Jesus. The commentators that I read agree that this is Jesus - as will be confirmed as we continue to read.)

      1. How do you explain the question of worthiness? If God the Father is sitting on the throne and it holding this scroll, how can He not be "worthy?" (Make a mental note of this. We will continue to unravel this.)

    3. Read Revelation 5:6. Who is the Lamb? (Clearly this is Jesus.)

      1. How do you "stand" in the "center of the throne?" It has already been described as a place to sit! (We need to adjust our view of this throne. There are at least two individuals on this throne. One is sitting and One is standing. They are both God. The One standing, Jesus, is in the center. We have a hard time understanding the Trinity. My suggestion is to consider this one more aspect of the Trinity.)

      2. Does Jesus now have seven horns and seven eyes? How can He look like a human and have these features? (We are told that Jesus' seven eyes are symbolic. They are the Holy Spirit. Seven, once again, being the sign of perfection. This likely means the seven horns are also symbolic.)

        1. Think back to the four creatures of Revelation 4:6-7 with all the eyes. Are these eyes also symbolic? Is the whole description symbolic? Meaning, they are not actually covered with eyes and they do not actually have faces that look like a lion, ox, human or eagle? (I think they are all symbolic.)

        2. What do these horns represent? (Let's assume this is not very complex. The horn of a rhinoceros, the horns of a goat, or the antlers of deer are all used as weapons. This tells us that Jesus has perfect power. Compare Matthew 28:18.)

    4. Read Revelation 5:7-9. Recall that I asked you to keep in mind the "worthiness" issue? How could God the Father not be worthy? How do these verses answer that question? (Jesus is worthy because He defeated sin. He gave us the opportunity for unmerited eternal life!)

      1. Think about this scroll in the context of who is worthy to open it. We will study the contents of the scroll more in the next chapter, but what do you think the scroll concerns? (We have a new future opened to us. Instead of eternal death, Jesus opened a future of eternal life for us. That means the defeat of sin and death. Logically, the scroll is about our glorious and victorious future. We now see why Jesus is the only One "worthy" to open it, because He unlocked it for us.)

    5. Read Revelation 5:10. How else have we been benefitted by Jesus? (We are all priests. This is a great breakthrough in our spiritual standing, and our equality of standing with each other.)

  3. Worthy is the Lamb

    1. Read Revelation 5:11-14. Who is praising Jesus? (Everyone! Note that they are also praising God the Father.)

      1. Why is Jesus' worthy? (He won the greatest battle of the universe. He defeated sin by living a sinless life on our behalf. He died for us and rose to eternal life for us. He succeeded where Adam and Eve failed. Praise Him!)

    2. Friend, think about the praise we just discussed. Are you ignoring what Jesus has done on your behalf? Have you rejected Jesus? Or, have you believed that your works will save you - which is another form of rejecting what Jesus has done for us. Why not accept this wonderful gift and join in the everlasting praise for our great God!

  4. Next week: The Seven Seals.

Bruce N. Cameron, J.D.